Xero Practice Manager Endpoint: ClientsDetails
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The Xero Practice Manager endpoint allows you to access a list of all clients within your Xero Practice manager.
The following fields are available for the Clients endpoint.
- DataFile
- A record field that identifies the source data file for this record.
- A GUID field representing the internal id of a Client.
- Name
- A text field that provides the Clients' name.
- Title
- A text field that provides the Clients' name title.
- Note: This field is available for AU Tax Enabled clients only.
- Gender
- A text field that provides the Clients' gender.
- Note: This field is available for AU Tax Enabled clients only.
- FirstName
- A text field that provides the Clients' first name.
- LastName
- A text field that provides the Clients' last name.
- OtherName
- A text field that provides the Clients' other name, if specified in Xero.
- A text field that provides the Clients' email.
- DateOfBirth
- A date field that provides the Clients' Date of Birth.
- Address
- A text field that provides the Clients' address.
- City
- A text field that provides the Clients' city.
- Region
- A text field that provides the Clients' address region.
- PostCode
- A text field that provides the Clients' postcode.
- Country
- A text field that provides the Clients' Country.
- PostalAddress
- A text field that provides the Clients' postal address, if specified in Xero.
- PostalCity
- A text field that provides the Clients' postal city if specified in Xero.
- PostalRegion
- A text field that provides the Clients' postal region, if specified in Xero.
- PostalPostCode
- A text field that provides the Clients' postal post code, if specified in Xero.
- PostalCountry
- A text field that provides the Clients' postal country, if specified in Xero.
- Phone
- A text field that provides the Clients' phone number.
- Fax
- A text field that provides the Clients' fax number.
- Website
- A text field that provides the Clients' website.
- ReferralSource
- A text field that provides the Clients' source of referral.
- ExportCode
- A text field that provides the Clients' export code.
- IsProspect
- A Yes/No field that indicates if a Client is a prospect client.
- IsArchived
- A Yes/No field that indicates if a Client is Archived in Xero.
- IsDeleted
- A Yes/No value field that indicates if a Client has been deleted from Xero.
- AccountManager
- A record field that provides information about Clients' Account Manager.
- JobManager
- A record field that provides information about Clients' Job Manager.
- Note: This field is returned only if the Project Management module is enabled in Xero.
- TaxNumber
- A text field that provides the Clients' tax number.
- Note: The tax number is masked with *** except last 3 digits.
- CompanyNumber
- A text field that provides the Clients' company phone number.
- BusinessNumber
- A number field that provides the Clients' Business phone number.
- BranchNumber
- A number field that provides the Branch number.
- BusinessStructure
- A text field that provides the Clients' Business Structure type.
- BalanceMonth
- A number field that provides the Clients' Balance month by month number.
- e.g. 1 for Jan, 2 for Feb, etc.
- GSTRegistered
- A Yes/No value field that indicates if the Client is registered for GST.
- PrepareGST
- A Yes/No value field that indicates if GST needs to be prepared for the Client.
- SignedTaxAuthority
- A Yes/No value field that indicates if Tax authority has signed off for the Client.
- Note this field is applicable only for NZ clients.
- TaxAgent
- A Yes/No value field that provides the name of the Tax Agent for the Client, as specified by the admin.
- Note this field is applicable only for NZ clients.
- AgencyStatus
- A text field that provides the Clients' agency status.
- Available values are Unlinked, With EOT, or Without EOT.
- Note this field is applicable only for NZ clients.
- ReturnType
- A text field that provides the Clients' Tax return type.
- Available values are IR3, IR3NR, IR4, IR6, IR7, IR9, or PTS.
- Note this field is applicable only for NZ clients.
- PrepareActivityStatement
- A Yes/No value field that indicates if the Clients' activity statement needs to be prepared.
- Note this field is applicable only for AU clients.
- PrepareTaxReturn
- A Yes/No value field that indicates if the Clients' Tax return needs to be prepared.
- Note this field is applicable only for AU clients.
- AutoBasOptInCriteria
- A record field that provides the Clients' BAS criteria.
- BankBSB
- A text field that provides the Clients' Bank BSB number.
- BankAccountName
- A text field that provides the Clients' Bank Account Name.
- BankAccountNumber
- A number field that provides the Clients' Bank Account number.
- BankName
- A text field that provides the Clients' Bank Name code.
- ActiveAtoClient
- A Yes/No field that indicates if the Client is an active ATO client.
- ClientCode
- A text field that provides the Clients' code.
- Notes
- A record field that provides notes recorded against a Client.
- Contacts
- A record field that provides the Clients' contact information.
- Groups
- A record field that lists Client groups as specified in Xero.
- Relationships
- A record field that provides information about relationships between Clients.
AccountManager Fields
- A GUID field representing the internal id of the account manager for the client.
- Name
- A text field that provides the name of the account manager of the Client.
JobManager Fields
- A GUID field representing the internal id of the job manager for the Client.
- Name
- A text field that provides the name of the job manager for the Client.
AutoBasOptInCriteria Fields
- Annually
- A Yes/No value field that indicates if Auto BAS Opt-in Criteria is Annually for the Client.
- Monthly
- A Yes/No value field that indicates if Auto BAS Opt-in Criteria is Monthly for the Client.
- Quarterly
- A Yes/No value field that indicates if Auto BAS Opt-in Criteria is Quarterly for the Client.
- Opt-Out
- A Yes/No value field that indicates if client is set to opt out of Auto BAS.
Contacts Fields
- A GUID field representing the internal id of the job manager for the Client.
- Name
- A text field that provides the name of the contact.
- Mobile
- A number field that provides the mobile number of the contact.
- A text field that provides the email of the contact.
- Phone
- A number field that provides the phone number of the contact.
- Salutation
- A text field that provides the salutation of the contact.
- Addressee
- A text field that provides the addressee for the contact.
- Position
- A text field that provides the position of the contact.
- IsPrimary
- A Yes/No field that indicates if the contact is a Primary Contact.
- IsDeleted
- A Yes/No field that indicates if the contact has been deleted.
Notes Fields
- Title
- A text field that provides the title of the note.
- Text
- A text field that provides the contents of the note.
- Folder
- A text field that provides the name of the folder the note is stored in.
- Date
- A date field that provides the created date of the note.
- CreatedBy
- A text field that provides the name of the creator of the note.
Groups Fields
- A GUID field representing the internal id of the job manager for the Client.
- Name
- A text field representing the name of the job manager for the Client.
Relationships Fields
- A GUID field representing the internal id of the relationship with the Client.
- Type
- A text field representing the type of the relationship with the Client.
- For e.g. Shareholder.
- RelatedClient
- A record field containing details about clients related to the Client.
- A GUID field representing the GUID of the related client
- Name
- A text field that provides the name of the related client.
- NumberOfShares
- A number field representing the internal id of the job manager for the Client.
- Note: this field is set only for Shareholder and Owner relationships.
- Percentage
- A number field representing the percentage for the Client.
- StartDate
- A date field representing the start date of the relationship with the Client.
- EndDate
- A date field representing the end date of the relationship with the Client.
Xero API
For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the Xero API.
Related Endpoints
- Categories
- Clients
- ClientsGroup
- Costs
- DataFiles
- InvoicesDetails
- InvoicesDetailsCurrent
- InvoicesDetailsDraft
- InvoicesSummary
- InvoicesSummaryCurrent
- InvoicesSummaryDraft
- JobsDetails
- JobsDetailsCurrent
- JobsSummary
- JobsSummaryCurrent
- QuotesDetails
- QuotesDetailsCurrent
- QuotesDetailsDraft
- QuotesSummary
- QuotesSummaryCurrent
- QuotesSummaryDraft
- Staff
- Tasks
- Templates
- Times