Archive Paging


To speed up the time it takes to refresh data, OdataLink's models include an archive. You can control how the archive works by changing the Archive Paging option.

The possible values are:

  • Default
  • By Month
  • By Year

See Editing a model's details for instructions on how to configure your model.


When the Archive Paging is set to Default , OdataLink will request the data as instructed. This is the legacy behaviour of OdataLink. The filters specified will be sent as-is to your data file.

While most customers will benefit from using the By Month or By Year option, we kept this legacy mechanism for very small data files or for those that use complex queries.

By Month

When the Archive Paging is set to By Month, OdataLink to query the data one month at a time.

By Year

When the Archive Paging is set to By Year, OdataLink to query the data one year at a time.


Recommendations for MYOB

MYOB's API is more designed to handle small volume of data. Because of this, using the By Year or By Month option can provide a lot of performance gains.

We recommend you use the By Year if you have 2,000 transactions per year and require 3 or more years of data.

We recommend you use the By Month if you have 1,000 transactions per month and require multiple months of data.

In our tests, pulling 20,000 transactions across 10 years from MYOB took:

  • 11 minutes with the legacy 'Default' option
  • 4.5 minutes with the 'By Month' option
  • 3.5 minutes with the 'By Year' option.

We strongly recommend you test the different option and choose the one that provides the best performance for your MYOB data file.

See Editing a model's details for instructions on how to configure your model.

Recommendations for Xero

Xero's API is very well structured to handle large volumes of data.

However, Xero have introduced limits to the number of transactions that can be requested at a single time. If you need to report on more than 100,000 transactions, then using the By Month or By Year option is recommended.

These options will ensure that each request stay below the 100,000 transactions cap.

See Editing a model's details for instructions on how to configure your model.

See Xero High Volume threshold limits on the Xero API site for further information.


Archive Types

Editing a model's details