MYOB Endpoint: ActivitySlips
The MYOB ActivitySlips endpoint allows you to access the time-billing and/or payroll activity slips.
The following fields are available for the ActivitySlips endpoint.
- A GUID field representing the internal id. This field can be used to link to other endpoints.
- DisplayID
- A text field used as the activity slip number.
- Date
- A date field that indicates the date of this activity slip.
- Provider
- A record field that provides the supplier or employee associated with this activity slip.
- Customer
- A record field that provides the customer associated with this activity slip.
- Activity
- A record field that provides the activity associated with this activity slip.
- Job
- A record field that provides the job associated with this activity slip.
- UnitCount
- A decimal field that provides the quantity (hours or units) for this activity slip.
- Rate
- A decimal field that provides the billable rate for this activity slip.
- AdjustmentAmount
- A decimal field that provides the adjustment amount (increase/decrease) for this activity slip.
- AlreadyBilledAmount
- A decimal field that provides the amount already invoiced for this activity slip.
- AdjustmentCount
- A decimal field that provides the adjustement quantity (hours or units increase/decrease) for this activity slip.
- AlreadyBilledCount
- A decimal field that provides the quantity (hours or units) already invoiced for this activity slip.
- Notes
- A text field that provides the notes for this activity slip.
- StartStopDescription
- A text field that provides the start stop time description.
- StartTime
- A date time field that provides the start time.
- StopTime
- A date time field that provides the stop time.
- ElapsedTime
- A integer field that provides a whole number representing the number of seconds elapsed.
- HourlySalaryPayrollCategory
- A record field that provides the payroll category associated with this activity slip.
- PaidToEmployeeAmount
- A decimal field that provides the amount paid to employee for this activity slip.
- LastModified
- A date time field that provides the last modified date for this activity slip.
- RowVersion
- A row version field.
For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the MYOB API.
Related Fields