MYOB Endpoint: BalanceSheetSummaryReportTable
The MYOB BalanceSheetSummaryReportTable endpoint provides a closing balance sheet values as at a given date. This report only includes detail accounts and excludes header accounts.
Note this endpoint is an alternate format of the BalanceSheetSummaryReport endpoint. It provides a format that can more easily integrate with Tableau, SSIS and Azure Data Factory.
It is a function that accepts a series of parameters.
The BalanceSheetSummaryReportTable endpoint is a function that accepts the following parameters.
- AsOfDate
- A date field that determines the date for which to produce values.
- If omitted, it will use the last date of the last calendar month.
- YearEndAdjust
- A true/false field that determines if year end adjustment should be included or excluded.
The following fields are available for the BalanceSheetSummaryReportTable endpoint.
- DataFileID
- A guid field that provides the id of the xero data file as setup in OdataLink.
- DataFileName
- A text field provides the name of the xero data file as setup in OdataLink.
- DataFileCode
- A text field provides the code of the xero data file as setup in OdataLink.
- AsOfDate
- A date field that indicates the date used to produce the report.
- This will match the AsOfDate entered as parameter.
- YearEndAdjust
- A true/false field that indicates if year end adjustment should be included or excluded.
- This will match the YearEndAdjust entered as parameter.
- AccountUID
- A GUID field representing the internal id of an account. This field can be used to link to other endpoints.
- AccountName
- A text field used as the account name.
- AccountDisplayID
- A text field used as the account number.
- AccountTotal
- A decimal field that provides the total for a given account.
For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the MYOB API.
Related Fields
Related Endpoints
- BalanceSheetSummaryReport
- BalanceSheetSummaryReportMultiPeriodTable
- ProfitAndLossSummaryReport
- ProfitAndLossSummaryReportTable
- ProfitAndLossSummaryReportMultiPeriodTable