MYOB Endpoint: EmployeePayrollDetails
The MYOB EmployeePayrollDetails endpoint provides the payroll details for each Employees.
The following fields are available for the EmployeePayrollDetails endpoint.
- A GUID field representing the internal id of this payroll details. This field can only be linked to the employee endpoint.
- Employee
- A record field that identifies the employee associated.
- DateOfBirth
- A date field that provides the date of birth of the employee.
- Gender
- A text field that providers the gender of the employee.
- StartDate
- A date field that provides the start date of the employee.
- TerminationDate
- A date field that provides the termination date of the employee.
- EmploymentBasis
- A text field that indicates the basis of employment of the employee.
- Possible values are:
- Individual
- Labor Hire
- Other
- EmploymentCategory
- A text field that indicates whether the employee is permanent or not.
- Possible values are:
- Permanent
- Temporary
- EmploymentStatus
- A text field that indicates the type of employment arrangement.
- Possible values are:
- FullTime
- PartTime
- Casual
- Other
- EmploymentClassification
- A record field that provides the employment classification of the employee.
- PaySlipDelivery
- A text field that provides the delivery method for pay slips.
- Possible values are:
- ToBePrinted
- ToBeEmailed
- ToBePrintedAndEmailed
- AlreadyPrintedOrSent
- PaySlipEmail
- A text field that provides the email address to which pay slips will be sent for this employee.
- Wage
- A record field that provides the wage details of the employee.
- See Wage Fields for more information.
- Superannuation
- A record field that provides the superannuation details of the employee.
- See Superannuation Fields for more information.
- Entitlements
- A record field that provides the entitlement details of the employee.
- See Entitlements Fields for more information.
- Deductions
- A table field that provides the linked deductions of the employee.
- EmployerExpenses
- A table field that provides the linked employer expenses of the employee.
- Tax
- A record field that provides the payroll tax details of the employee.
- See Tax Fields for more information.
- TimeBilling
- A record field that provides the time billing details of the employee.
- See TimeBilling Fields for more information.
- RowVersion
- A row version field.
Wage Fields
The Wage field contains the following sub-fields.
- PayBasis
- A text field that indicates the way the pay is entered.
- Possible values are:
- Salary: Indicates the employee is paid a fixed salary per year.
- Hourly: Indicates the employee is paid based on an hourly rate.
- AnnualSalary
- A decimal field that provides the annual salary.
- Only applicable when PayBasis is set to Salary.
- HourlyRate
- A decimal field that provides the hourly rate.
- Only applicable when PayBasis is set to Hourly.
- PayFrequency
- A text field that indicates the frequency of pays.
- Possible values are:
- Weekly
- Fortnightly
- TwiceAMonth
- Monthly
- HoursInWeeklyPayPeriod
- A decimal field that provides the number of hours in a week.
- WagesExpenseAccount
- A record field that provides the account used for wages.
- WageCategories
- A table field that provides the wages payroll categories linked to the employee.
Superannuation Fields
The Superannuation field contains the following sub-fields.
- SuperannuationFund
- A record field that provides the superannuation fund linked to the employee.
- EmployeeMembershipNumber
- A text field that provides the employee membership number for their superannuation fund.
- SuperannuationCategories
- A table field that provides the superannuation payroll categories linked to the employee.
Entitlements Fields
The Entitlements field contains the following sub-fields.
- EntitlementCategory
- A record field that provides the entitlement payroll categories linked to the employee.
- IsAssigned
- A true/false field that indicates if the entitlement is assigned to the employee.
- CarryOver
- A decimal field that provides the amount carried over from the previous payroll year.
- YearToDate
- A decimal field that provides the amount accrued this financial year to date.
- Total
- A decimal field that provides the total amount available.
Tax Fields
The Tax field contains the following sub-fields.
- TaxFileNumber
- A text field that provides the tax file number of the employee.
- TaxTable
- A record field that provides the tax table linked to the employee.
- WithholdingVariationRate
- A decimal field that provides the rate applied when the tax table is set to Withholding Variation.
- TotalRebatesPerYear
- A decimal field that provides the total rebates offset amount for the employee.
- ExtraTaxPerPay
- A decimal field that provides the extra tax withheld per pay for the employee.
- TaxCategory
- A record field that provides the tax payroll categories linked to the employee.
TimeBilling Fields
The TimeBilling field contains the following sub-fields.
- EmployeeBillingRateExcludingTax
- A decimal field that provides employee's time billing rate.
- CostPerHour
- A decimal field that provides employee's cost per hour.
For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the MYOB API.
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