MYOB Endpoint: Items
The MYOB Items endpoint allows you to access the list of inventory items within MYOB.
The following fields are available for the Items endpoint.
- A GUID field representing the internal id of an item. This field can be used to link to other endpoints.
- Number
- A text field that provides the item number.
- Name
- A text field that provides the item name.
- IsActive
- A true/false value that indicates if the item is active and can be used on new transactions.
- Description
- A text field that provides the item description.
- UseDescription
- A true/false value that indicates if the description is displayed on the invoice instead of the item number.
- CustomList1
- A record field that stores the first custom list value selected for this item.
- CustomList2
- A record field that stores the second custom list value selected for this item.
- CustomList3
- A record field that stores the third custom list value selected for this item.
- CustomField1
- A record field that stores the first custom field value entered for this item.
- CustomField2
- A record field that stores the second custom field value entered for this item.
- CustomField3
- A record field that stores the third custom field value entered for this item.
- QuantityOnHand
- A decimal field that provides the quantity on hand total across all locations.
- QuantityCommitted
- A decimal field that provides the quantity commited (on pending sales order).
- QuantityOnOrder
- A decimal field that provides the quantity on order with the supplier.
- QuantityAvailable
- A decimal field that provides the total quantity available.
- This is calculated as the QuantityOnHand plus QuantityOnOrder less QuantityCommitted.
- AverageCost
- A decimal field that provides the average cost of the items on hand.
- CurrentValue
- A decimal field that provides the total value of the items on hand.
- BaseSellingPrice
- A decimal field that provides the base selling price of the item.
- IsBought
- A true/false value that indicates if the item can be purchased.
- IsSold
- A true/false value that indicates if the item can be sold.
- IsInventoried
- A true/false value that indicates if the item is inventoried.
- ExpenseAccount
- A record field that gives access to the account used on purchases.
- CostOfSalesAccount
- A record field that gives access to the account used as cost of sales.
- IncomeAccount
- A record field that gives access to the account used on sales.
- AssetAccount
- A record field that gives access to the account used to track inventory.
- BuyingDetails
- A record field provides additional details for items that can be bought.
- See BuyingDetails Fields for more information.
- SellingDetails
- A record field provides additional details for items that can be sold.
- See SellingDetails Fields for more information.
- LocationDetails
- A table field provides additional details for companies that use multiple locations.
- See LocationDetails Fields for more information.
- DefaultSellLocation
- A record field provides the default location for sales.
- DefaultReceiveLocation
- A record field provides the default location for purchases.
- BillOfMaterials
- A record field provides additional bill of materials data.
- See BillOfMaterials Fields for more information.
- LastModified
- A date time field that stores the last date and time this item was modified.
- PhotoURI
- A text field that stores a URL that can be used to access the photo associated with this item.
- RowVersion
- A row version field.
BuyingDetails Fields
The BuyingDetails field contains the following sub-fields.
- LastPurchasePrice
- A decimal field that provides the last purchase price of the item.
- StandardCost
- A decimal field that provides the standard cost of the item as entered in MYOB.
- BuyingUnitOfMeasure
- A text field that indicates the unit of measure used on purchases.
- ItemsPerBuyingUnit
- A decimal field that provides the number of items per buying unit.
- TaxCode
- A record field provides the default tax code when purchasing this item.
- RestockingInformation
- A record field provides additional details for items that are inventoried.
- See BuyingDetails.RestockingInformation Fields for more information.
BuyingDetails.RestockingInformation Fields
The BuyingDetails.RestockingInformation field contains the following sub-fields.
- MinimumLevelForRestockingAlert
- A decimal field that provides the minimum level quantity of items when MYOB will raise an alert.
- Supplier
- A record field provides the default Supplier when purchasing this item.
- SupplierItemNumber
- A text field that indicates the item number used by the supplier.
- DefaultOrderQuantity
- A decimal field that provides the default quantity that will be ordered.
SellingDetails Fields
The SellingDetails field contains the following sub-fields.
- BaseSellingPrice
- A decimal field that provides the base selling price of the item for one unit.
- SellingUnitOfMeasure
- A text field that indicates the unit of measure used on sales.
- ItemsPerSellingUnit
- A decimal field that provides the number of items per selling unit.
- TaxCode
- A record field provides the default tax code when selling this item.
- IsTaxInclusive
- A true/false value that indicates if the BaseSellingPrice is tax inclusive.
- CalculateSalesTaxOn
- A text field that indicates if sales tax can be calculated.
- Possible values are:
- ActualSellingPrice
- BaseSellingPrice
- LevelA
- LevelB
- LevelC
- LevelD
- LevelE
- LevelF
LocationDetails Fields
The LocationDetails field contains the following sub-fields.
- Location
- A record field provides the location for the associated quantity on hand.
- QuantityOnHand
- A decimal field that provides the quantity on hand total at this location.
BillOfMaterials Fields
The BillOfMaterials field contains the following sub-fields.
- Quantity
- A decimal field that provides the default build quantity.
- Items
- A table field provides the list of items and quantities of the components.
- See BillOfMaterials.Items Fields for more information.
BillOfMaterials.Items Fields
- Quantity
- A decimal field that provides the number of components used.
- Item
- A record field provides the Item of the component.
For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the MYOB API.
Related Fields
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