MYOB Endpoint: LinkedAccounts
The MYOB LinkedAccounts endpoint allows you to access settings indicating how specific accounts are used within MYOB.
The following fields are available for the LinkedAccounts endpoint.
- A GUID field representing the internal id of this record. This field cannot be linked to other endpoints.
- Account
- A record field that provides the general ledger account.
- Descripton
- A text field that indicate how the account is used within MYOB.
- Possible values are:
- AssetAccountSupplierDeposits: The asset account used to record supplier deposits.
- AssetAccountTrackingReceivables: The trade debtors account.
- BankAccountAutoDeposits: The bank account used to record deposits.
- BankAccountCashPayments: The bank account used to record cash payments.
- BankAccountChequePayments: The bank account used to record cheque deposits.
- BankAccountCustomerReceipts: The bank account used to record customer payments.
- BankAccountElectronicPayments: The bank account used as electronic payments clearing account.
- BankAccountOnlinePayments: The bank account used to record online payments.
- BankAccountPayingBills: The bank account used to record supplier payments.
- BankAccountUndepositedFunds: The bank account used as undeposited funds clearing account.
- CurrencyGainsLosses: The account used to record foreign exchange currency gains and losses.
- EmploymentExpenseAccount: The expanse account used to record employment expenses.
- EquityAccountCurrentEarnings: The equity account used for current earnings.
- EquityAccountRetainedEarnings: The equity account used for retained earnings.
- EquityHistoricalBalancing: The equity account used to capture historical balancing amounts.
- ExpenseAccountDiscounts: The expense account used to record discounts.
- ExpenseAccountLaterCharges: The expense account used to late fees.
- ExpenseSalesAccountDiscounts: The expense account used to record customer discounts.
- ExpenseSalesAccountFreight: The expense account used to record freight for sales.
- IncomeAccountFreight: The income account used to record freight charges.
- IncomeAccountLateCharges: The income account used to record customer late fees.
- LiabilityAccountCustomerDeposits: The liability account used to record customer deposits.
- LiabilityAccountItemReceipts: The liability account used as item receipts.
- LiabilityAccountTrackingPayables: The liability account used a trade creditors.
- TaxDeducationsPayableAccount: The liability account used to record tax deductions payable.
- WagesExpenseAccount: The expense account used to record wages.
- RowVersion
- A row version field.
For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the MYOB API.
Related Fields
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