MYOB Field: Terms
This record field is used to represent the payment terms for both customers and suppliers.
This record field includes the following sub fields.
- PaymentIsDue
- A text field that represents the due date.
- Possible values are:
- CashOnDelivery
- PrePaid
- InAGivenNumberOfDays
- OnADayOfTheMonth
- NumberOfDaysAfterEOM
- DayOfMonthAfterEOM
- DiscountDate
- A integer field used to represent either a specific day or a specific number of days in order to receive a discount.
- BalanceDueDate
- A integer field used to represent either a specific day or a specific number of days in order to pay on time.
- DiscountForEarlyPayment
- A decimal field used to represent the percentage discount for early payment.
- MonthlyChargeForLatePayment
- A decimal field used to represent the charge for late payments.
- Not available for all endpoints.
- VolumeDiscount
- A decimal field used to represent the percentage discount for large purchases.
- Not available for all endpoints.
- DiscountExpiryDate
- A datefield that provides the date when the discount expires.
- Not available for all endpoints.
- Discount
- A decimal field used to represent the dollar discount.
- Not available for all endpoints.
- DiscountForeign
- A decimal field used to represent the dollar discount for foreign currency transactions.
- Not available for all endpoints.
- DueDate
- A datefield that provides the date when payment is due.
- Not available for all endpoints.
Used By
This field appears in the following endpoints or other fields.