Remove and re-add MYOB data files

If you continuously encounter error 8001 and previous resolution steps have been ineffective, consider removing and then re-adding your data files.


To remove a MYOB data file, follow these steps.

  1. Click on Data Files on the menu in the left-hand side;
  2. Find the data file you want to remove on and click Remove;
  3. Click to confirm the deletion.

To re-add a MYOB Data File, follow these steps.

  1. Click on Data Files in the menu on the left-hand side;
  2. Click on the Add MYOB Data File button;
  3. Click on the Login to MY.MYOB and follow the prompts within the MYOB website;
    Note that the account you use to login to my.myob will determine what endpoints you can access.
    Once you have logged into the MYOB website and have authorised OdataLink to access your data, you will be returned to OdataLink and a list of data files will appear.
  4. Tick one or more data file you wish to add to the current OdataLink account;
  5. Click on the Add Selected Data Files button;
    You will be returned to the Data Files screen and the selected data files will be added tot he list.

Once you have added the data files, it is important to edit each data file to ensure the connection details are set correctly.

Related Topics

Adding MYOB data files

Configuring data files