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Subscribing to OdataLink involves choosing the number of data files required in total, confirming the edition that you require and then entering your credit card details
To continue using OdataLink after your trial a subscription is required

Subscriptions at this stage are monthly. Your able cancel at any time
Subscribing involves choosing the number of MYOB Companys or Xero Organisations (data files) required in total, confirming the edition that you require and then entering your credit card details

When choosing the number of data files (companies). Enter the total number you require. ie if you already have 1 and require 5 then choose 5. A pro rata invoice will be generated for the additional 4 data files
Subscription fees will be process monthly. Your able cancel at any time
When choosing the number of data files. Enter the total number you require. ie if you already have 1 and require 5 then choose 5. A pro rata invoice will be generated for the additional 4 data files

The most cost effective edition will be selected by default based on the number of data files selected
The most cost effective edition will be selected by default based on the number of data files selected