Xero Accounting Endpoint: GetHistoryRepeatingInvoice
The Xero GetHistoryRepeatingInvoice endpoint provides a method to download the history and change logs for a single repeating invoice.
Two variations of this function exists.
- GetHistoryRepeatingInvoice works for a single data file.
- GetHistoryRepeatingInvoiceDataFile is recommended when using the consolidation OData Feed.
This function requires a single call to Xero for a single transaction. As such, it should only be used for a few transactions otherwise Xero will quickly impose the 5000 calls daily limit.
It is a function that accepts a series of parameters.
The GetHistoryRepeatingInvoice is a function that accepts the following parameters.
- DataFile (for GetHistoryRepeatingInvoiceDataFile only)
- A text field that accepts the data file id, name or code.
- RepeatingInvoiceID
- A GUID field that accepts the id of the repeating invoice.
The following fields are available for the GetHistoryRepeatingInvoice endpoint.
- DataFileID
- A GUID field representing the internal id of the data file within OdataLink. This field can be used to link to the data files endpoints.
- DataFileName
- A text field used as the data file name.
- DataFileCode
- A text field used as the data file code.
- RepeatingInvoiceID
- A guid field that provides the id of the repeating invoice.
- Changes
- A text field that provides the type of change.
- Possible values are:
- Created
- Edited
- Approved
- Reconciled
- Deleted
- Voided
- (other values also possible)
- Details
- A text field that provides the details or note of the change.
- User
- A text field that provides the user name of the person that made the changes.
- DateUTC
- A date time field that indicates the date and time the changes were made.
Xero API
For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the Xero API.
Related Fields
- None
Related Endpoints