Xero Accounting Endpoint: OverpaymentsExpanded
The Xero OverpaymentsExpanded endpoint provides the list of overpayments transactions recorded within Xero.
This endpoints provides access to all fields and details. It is also optimised for larger data files.
In most situations, it is recommended to use this endpoint instead of the Overpayments endpoint.
The following fields are available for the OverpaymentsExpanded endpoint.
- OverpaymentID
- A guid field that provides the id of the overpayment.
- Type
- A text field that indicates the type of overpayment.
- Possible values are:
- RECEIVE-OVERPAYMENT: Indicates the overpayment is for accounts receivable / customer side.
- SPEND-OVERPAYMENT: Indicates the overpayment is for accounts payable / supplier side.
- Reference
- A text field that provides the reference of the overpayment.
- Date
- A date field that provides the date on which the overpayment occurred.
- Status
- A text field that indicates the status of the overpayment.
- Possible values are:
- AUTHORISED: Indicates the transaction is authorised.
- PAID: Indicates the transaction has been processed and paid.
- VOIDED: Indicates the transaction has been deleted.
- Contact
- A record field that provides the Contacts associated with the overpayment.
- Payments
- A table field that provides the payments information.
- See Payments Fields for more information.
- Allocations
- A table field that provides the amount allocated to the invoice.
- See Allocations Fields for more information.
- LineAmountTypes
- A text field that indicates the type of values on the lines.
- Possible values are:
- Exclusive: Indicates that line items are exclusive of tax.
- Inclusive: Indicates that line items are inclusive tax.
- NoTax: Indicates that line items have no tax.
- LineItems
- A table field that provides the invoice-like lines entered against the overpayment.
- See LineItems Fields for more information.
- Subtotal
- A decimal field that provides the tax exclusive amount of the transaction.
- TotalTax
- A decimal field that provides the tax amount of the transaction.
- Total
- A decimal field that provides the total amount of the transaction.
- RemainingCredit
- A decimal field that provides the remaining credit that can be applied to other invoices.
- CurrencyCode
- A text field that indicates the currency of the transaction.
- CurrencyRate
- A decimal field that provides the exchange rate applied to the transaction.
- HasAttachments
- A true/false field that indicates if attachments were uploaded against the transaction.
- UpdatedDateUTC
- A date time field that indicates the date and time this overpayment was created and/or updated.
Payments Fields
The Payments Fields include the following sub fields.
- PaymentID
- A GUID field representing the internal id of a payment.
- This field can be linked to the Payments endpoint.
- BatchPaymentID
- A GUID field representing the internal id of a batch payment.
- This field can be linked to the BatchPayments endpoint.
- Date
- A date field that provides the date on which the link occurred.
- Amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount associated with the payment.
- CurrencyRate
- A decimal field that provides the exchange rate applicable.
- Reference
- A text field that provides the reference.
Allocations Fields
The Allocations Fields include the following sub fields.
- Amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount allocated to an invoice.
- Date
- A date field that provides the date on which the amount was allocated to an invcoice.
- Invoice
- A record field that provides the invoice details.
LineItems Fields
The LineItems Fields include the following sub fields.
- LineItemID
- A text field that provides the internal id of the line.
- Description
- A text field that provides the description of the line.
- UnitAmount
- A decimal field that provides the unit amount of the line.
- LineAmount
- A decimal field that provides the amount of the line.
- TaxAmount
- A decimal field that provides the tax amount of the line.
- AccountID
- A text field that provides the account id of the line.
- AccountCode
- A text field that provides the account code of the line.
- TaxType
- A text field that provides the tax type of the line.
- Tracking
- A table field that provides the tracking category options assigned to the line.
Xero API
For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the Xero API.
Related Fields
Related Endpoints
- Accounts
- BankTransactions
- BankTransactionsExpanded
- BatchPayments
- Contacts
- ContactsExpanded
- Currencies
- Invoices
- InvoicesExpanded
- Payments
- Overpayments
- TaxRates
- TrackingCategories