Linking your data to a Standard Microsoft Power BI Report

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Select the existing OData feed url

OdataLink provides a set of downloadable Power BI Report templates which are created using a demo data URL.

Once you download a report, the downloaded report will contain the demo data.

In order to see your data in the report, you would need to replace the existing OData feed power query to your own OData feed url.

The following guide will assist linking your data to the downloaded report.


Paste the copied OData feed url

To link your OData feed power query in Microsoft Power BI, follow these steps.

Before beginning, ensure you have copied the OData Feed URL.

  1. Within Microsoft Power BI desktop, click on File, select Options and Settings and then Data Source Settings.
  2. In the Data Source Settings dialogue, select the OData feed url and click on Change Source.
  3. In the next dialogue, paste the OData Feed URL copied previously and click OK.

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