MYOB Endpoint: PayrollDeductions

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The MYOB PayrollDeductions endpoint allows you to access the list of all deduction payroll categories within MYOB.


The following fields are available for the PayrollDeductions endpoint.

A GUID field representing the internal id of the payroll category. This field can be used to link to other endpoints.
A text field that provides the name of the payroll category.
A text field that provides the type of payroll category.
This will always be set to Deduction.
A record field that identifies the payable account used by this payroll category.
A text field that provides the single-touch payroll category type for this deduction payroll category.
Possible values are:
  • NotReportable
  • GrossPayments
  • PAYGWithholding
  • ExemptForeignIncome
  • CDEPPayments
  • AllowanceCar
  • AllowanceTransport
  • AllowanceTravel
  • AllowanceMeals
  • AllowanceLaundry
  • AllowanceOther
  • DeductionUnionProfAssocFees
  • DeductionWorkPlaceGiving
  • ReportableFringeBenefitsExemptAmount
  • ReportableFringeBenefitsTaxableAmount
  • ETPTaxableComponent
  • ETPTaxFreeComponent
  • ETPTaxWithholding
  • LumpSumPaymentATermination
  • LumpSumPaymentARedundancy
  • LumpSumPaymentB
  • LumpSumPaymentD
  • LumpSumPaymentE
  • SuperGuarantee
  • OrdinaryTimesEarnings
  • ReportableEmployerSuperContributions
A record field that provides the calculation basis details for this payroll category.
See CalculationBasis Fields for more information.
A record field that provides the limits for this payroll category.
See Limit Fields for more information.
A table field that provides a list of all the payroll categories that the deduction payroll category is exempt from.
A row version field.

CalculationBasis Fields

The CalculationBasis field contains the following sub-fields.

A text field that provides the type of calculation used by the payroll category.
Possible values are:
  • UserEntered: Indicates the deduction is entered on the employees standard pay.
  • PercentageOfPayrollCategory: Indicates the deduction is a percentage of another payroll category.
  • FixedDollars: Indicates the deduction is a fixed amount.
A decimal field that provides the percentage when Type is set to PercentageOfPayrollCategory
A record field that identifies the payroll category used by the calculation.
A decimal field that provides the amount when Type is set to FixedDollars.
A text field that indicates the accrual period basis when Type is set to FixedDollars.
Possible values are:
  • PayPeriod: Indicates the FixedDollarsOf amount is an amount per pay period.
  • Month: Indicates the FixedDollarsOf amount is an amount per month.
  • Year: Indicates the FixedDollarsOf amount is an amount per year.
  • Hour: Indicates the FixedDollarsOf amount is an amount per hour.

Limit Fields

The Limit field contains the following sub-fields.

A text field that indicates the type of limit in use.
Possible values are:
  • NoLimit: Indicates there is no limit on the amount.
  • PercentageOfPayrollCategory: Indicates the deduction is capped at percentage of another payroll category.
  • FixedDollars: Indicates the deduction is capped at a fixed amount.
A decimal field that provides the percentage when Type is set to PercentageOfPayrollCategory
A record field that identifies the payroll category used by the calculation.
A decimal field that provides the amount when Type is set to FixedDollars.
A text field that indicates the accrual period basis when Type is set to FixedDollars.
Possible values are:
  • PayPeriod: Indicates the FixedDollarsOf amount is an amount per pay period.
  • Month: Indicates the FixedDollarsOf amount is an amount per month.
  • Year: Indicates the FixedDollarsOf amount is an amount per year.
  • Hour: Indicates the FixedDollarsOf amount is an amount per hour.


For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the MYOB API.

Related Fields


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MYOB Models
MYOB Endpoints