MYOB Endpoint: SalesItemOrders
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The MYOB SalesItemOrders endpoint allows you to get access to item sales orders within MYOB.
The following fields are available for the SalesItemOrders endpoint.
- A GUID field representing the internal id of this record. This field can be used to link to other endpoints.
- Number
- A text field that provides the order number.
- Date
- A date field that indicates the date of the transaction.
- ShipToAddress
- A text field that provides the complete address.
- CustomerPurchaseOrderNumber
- A text field that provides the customer purchase order number.
- Customer
- A record field that provides the customer associated with this transaction.
- Terms
- A record field that provides the terms of this transaction.
- IsTaxInclusive
- A true/false field that indicates if the amounts are tax inclusive or not.
- Lines
- A table field that provides the lines of this transaction.
- See Lines Fields for more information.
- Subtotal
- A decimal field that provides the total of all the lines.
- SubtotalForeign
- A decimal field that provides the total of all the lines for foreign currency transactions.
- Freight
- A decimal field that provides the freight amount for this transaction.
- FreightForeign
- A decimal field that provides the freight amount for this transaction for foreign currency transactions.
- FreightTaxCode
- A record field that provides the tax code used for freight.
- TotalTax
- A decimal field that provides the total tax amount.
- TotalTaxForeign
- A decimal field that provides the total tax amount for foreign currency transactions.
- TotalAmount
- A decimal field that provides the total amount of this transaction.
- TotalAmountForeign
- A decimal field that provides the total amount of this transaction for foreign currency transactions.
- Category
- A record field that provides the category associated with this transaction.
- Salesperson
- A record field that provides the salesperson / employee associated with this transaction.
- Comment
- A text field that provides the comment for the transaction.
- ShippingMethod
- A text field that provides the shipping method for the transaction.
- JournalMemo
- A text field that provides the memo for the transaction.
- PromisedDate
- A date field that provides the promised date of the transaction.
- DeliveryStatus
- A text field that provides the delivery status of this transaction.
- Possible values are:
- PrintAndEmail
- Nothing
- ReferralSource
- A text field that provides the referral source for the transaction.
- AppliedToDate
- A decimal field that provides the total payments and credits applied to date to this transaction.
- AppliedToDateForeign
- A decimal field that provides the total payments and credits applied to date to this transaction for foreign currency transactions.
- BalanceDueAmount
- A decimal field that provides the outstanding balance of this transaction.
- BalanceDueAmountForeign
- A decimal field that provides the outstanding balance of this transaction for foreign currency transactions.
- Status
- A text field that provides the status of this transaction.
- Possible values are:
- Open: Indicates the order has not been converted to a sale.
- ConvertedToInvoice : Indicates the order has been converted to a sale.
- LastPaymentDate
- A date field that provides the last payment date applied to the transaction.
- ForeignCurrency
- A record field that provides the currency associated with this transaction.
- CurrencyExchangeRate
- A decimal field that provides exchange rate for foreign currency transactions.
- LastModified
- A date time field that indicates the date and time it was last modified.
- RowVersion
- A row version field.
Lines Fields
The Lines field contains the following sub-fields.
- RowID
- A integer field representing the internal id of this row.
- Type
- A text field that indicates the type of line.
- Possible values are:
- Header
- Transaction
- Subtotal
- Description
- A text field that provides the line memo for the transaction.
- ShipQuantity
- A decimal field that provides the quantity for this line.
- UnitPrice
- A decimal field that provides the unit price for this line.
- UnitPriceForeign
- A decimal field that provides the unit price for this line for foreign currency transactions.
- DiscountPercent
- A decimal field that provides the percentage discount for this line.
- Total
- A decimal field that provides the total amount for this line.
- TotalForeign
- A decimal field that provides the total amount for this line for foreign currency transactions.
- Item
- A record field that provides the item for this line.
- Job
- A record field that provides the job for this line.
- TaxCode
- A record field that provides the tax code for this line.
- Location
- A record field that provides the location for this line.
- RowVersion
- A row version field.
For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the MYOB API.
Related Fields
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