Changing a model's Archive Type from Developer to Live

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If you find that your refresh are successful but are not picking up the latest data, it's most likely because your Model's Archive Type is still set to Developer.

By default a Model's archive type is set to Developer. This is to ensure refreshes are as quick as possible during development. When set to Developer, a refresh is only LIVE once every 8 hour.

To see the latest data, you can change the Archive Type to Live or Live (no archive). This is recommend when you finish building your reports.


The change the Archive Type of your model, follow these steps.

  1. Click on Models on the menu in the left-hand side.
  2. Find the model you want to work on and click View.
  3. Select the Settings Tab and click on the Edit Model button.
  4. Locate the Archive Type option and change it to Live or Live (no archive).
  5. Click Save.


Archive Types
Editing a model's details