Xero Accounting Endpoint: LinkedTransactions

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The Xero LinkedTransactions endpoint provides the list of links between transactions and transaction lines for billable expenses.

This allows you to get the linked line items from a purchase invoice to a sales invoice.


The following fields are available for the LinkedTransactions endpoint.

A guid field that provides the id of the linked transaction record.
A guid field that provides the id of the source transaction.
A text field that indicates the type of batch payment.
Possible values are:
  • ACCREC: Accounts receivable invoice
  • ACCPAY: Accounts payable invoice
  • ACCRECCREDIT: Accounts receivable credit note
  • ACCPAYCREDIT: Accounts payable credit note
  • ACCRECPAYMENT: Payment on an accounts receivable invoice
  • ACCPAYPAYMENT: Payment on an accounts payable invoice
  • ARCREDITPAYMENT: Accounts receivable credit note payment
  • APCREDITPAYMENT: Accounts payable credit note payment
  • CASHREC: Receive money bank transaction
  • CASHPAID: Spend money bank transaction
  • TRANSFER: Bank transfer
  • ARPREPAYMENT: Accounts receivable prepayment
  • APPREPAYMENT: Accounts payable prepayment
  • AROVERPAYMENT: Accounts receivable overpayment
  • APOVERPAYMENT: Accounts payable overpayment
  • EXPCLAIM: Expense claim
  • EXPPAYMENT: Expense claim payment
  • MANJOURNAL: Manual journal
  • PAYSLIP: Payslip
  • WAGEPAYABLE: Payroll payable
  • INTEGRATEDPAYROLLPE: Payroll expense
  • INTEGRATEDPAYROLLPT: Payroll payment
  • EXTERNALSPENDMONEY: Payroll employee payment
  • INTEGRATEDPAYROLLCN: Payroll credit note
A guid field that provides the line item id of the source transaction.
A guid field that provides the contact id of the source transaction.
A guid field that provides the id of the target transaction.
A guid field that provides the line item id of the target transaction.
A text field that indicates the status of the payment.
Possible values are:
  • DRAFT :The source transaction is in a draft status. The linked transaction has not been allocated to target transaction.
  • APPROVED: The source transaction is in a authorised status. The linked transaction has not been allocated to target transaction.
  • ONDRAFT: The linked transaction has been allocated to target transaction in draft status.
  • BILLED: The linked transaction has been allocated to a target transaction in authorised status.
  • VOIDED: The source transaction has been voided.
A text field that indicates the type. It will always be set to BILLABLEEXPENSE.
A date time field that indicates the date and time this linked transaction was created and/or updated.

Xero API

For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the Xero API.

Related Fields


Related Endpoints


Related Topics

Xero Accounting Models
Xero Accounting Endpoints