Xero Accounting Endpoint: TrialBalanceMultiPeriodTable

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The Xero TrialBalanceMultiPeriodTable endpoint provides a series of trial balance totals for a given date range.

This endpoint allows you to query multiple trial balance values broken down either by Month, Quarter or Year. Because of this, it is the recommended endpoint to generate Trial Balance data for Xero.

Note this endpoint is an alternate format of the TrialBalance endpoint. It provides a format that can more easily integrate with Tableau, SSIS and Azure Data Factory.

It is a function that accepts a series of parameters.


The TrialBalanceMultiPeriodTable is a function that accepts the following parameters.

A date field that determines the start date for which to produce values.
If omitted, it will use the first date of the last calendar month.
A date field that determines the end date for which to produce values.
If omitted, it will use the last date of the last calendar month.
A text field that determines the periods that will be queried
If omitted, it will be set to Month.
Possible values are:
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Year
A true/false field that determines if only payments are included.
If omitted, it will be set to False.


The following fields are available for the TrialBalanceMultiPeriodTable endpoint.

A guid field that provides the id of the xero data file as setup in OdataLink.
A text field provides the name of the xero data file as setup in OdataLink.
A text field provides the code of the xero data file as setup in OdataLink.
A date field that indicates the date used to produce the values.
This will match the Date entered as parameter.
A true/false field that indicates if only payments are included.
This will match the PaymentsOnly entered as parameter.
A text field that indicates the type of line.
Possible values are:
  • Header: Indicates the row contains a header.
  • Detail: Indicates the row contains the value of a given account.
  • Total: Indicates the row contains a value totalling all accounts.
A GUID field that provides the id of the account.
This field can be used to link to the Accounts endpoints.
This field will be set to null for rows whose LineType is not set to Detail.
A text field that provides the account name or the name of a header or total.
A text field that provides the account type.
A decimal field that provides the total debit for the month as at the date.
A decimal field that provides the total credit for the month as at the date.
A decimal field that provides the total year-to-date debit as at the date.
A decimal field that provides the total credit year-to-date as at the date.

Xero API

For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the Xero API.

Related Fields


Related Endpoints


Related Topics

Xero Accounting Models
Xero Accounting Endpoints