Xero Accounting Endpoint: Users

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The Xero Users endpoint allows you to access the list of users associated with the Xero Data File.


The following fields are available for the Users endpoint.

A GUID field representing the internal id of a user.
This field cannot be linked to many endpoints.
A text field provides the unique email address for the user.
A text field provides the first name of the user.
A text field provides the last name of the user.
A true/false value that indicates if user is a subscriber.
A text field provides the role of the user.
This field determines the permission the user has to the Xero Data File.
Possible values are:
  • READONLY: The user can only read data.
  • INVOICEONLY: The user can only record invoices.
  • STANDARD: The user is a standard user.
  • FINANCIALADVISER: The user has a financial adviser role.
  • 'MANAGEDCLIENT: The user has a managed client role (for Partner Edition Only).
  • 'CASHBOOKCLIENT: The user has a cashbook client role (for Partner Edition Only).
A date time field that indicates the last time this record was updated.

Xero API

For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the [developer.xero.com/documentation/api/accounting/users Xero API].

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Xero Accounting Endpoints