Xero Assets Endpoint: AssetsTypes

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The Xero AssetsTypes endpoint provides the list of asset types defined within Xero.


The following fields are available for the AssetsTypes endpoint.

A record field that provides the DataFile associated with the asset type.
A guid field that provides the id of the asset type.
A text field that provides the name of the asset type.
A guid field that provides the id of the account used to track the book value of this type of asset.
This field links with the Accounts endpoint.
A guid field that provides the id of the account used to track depreciation expense for this type of asset.
This field links with the Accounts endpoint.
A guid field that provides the id of the account used to track depreciation expense for this type of asset.
This field links with the Accounts endpoint.
A record field that provides the default settings for depreciating the book value of these type of assets.
See bookDepreciationSetting Fields for more information.
A table field that provides the default settings for depreciating the tax value of these type of assets.
See taxDepreciationSettings Fields for more information.

DepreciationSetting Fields

The bookDepreciationSetting Fields include the following sub fields.

A text field that provides the default method to depreciate this type of asset.
Possible values are:
  • NoDepreciation: Indicates this asset has no depreciation.
  • StraightLine: Indicates this asset is depreciated using a straight line percentage.
  • DiminishingValue100: Indicates this asset is depreciated using Diminishing Value at 100%.
  • DiminishingValue150: Indicates this asset is depreciated using Diminishing Value at 150%.
  • DiminishingValue200: Indicates this asset is depreciated using Diminishing Value at 200%.
  • FullDepreciation: Indicates this asset is depreciated in full at purchase.
A text field that provides the default method to average the value of this type of asset.
Possible values are:
  • ActualDays: Indicates the average is based on the actual number of days.
  • FullMonth: Indicates the average is based on the full month.
A text field that provides the default calculation method to depreciate this type of asset.
Possible values are:
  • Rate: Indicates the depreciation is calculated using a rate.
  • Life: Indicates the depreciation is calculated using the assets life span.
  • None: Indcates depreciation does not apply.
A decimal field that provides the default depreciation rate for this type of asset.
A decimal field that provides the default effective life in years for this type of asset.
A GUID field representing the id of the asset pool.
This field cannot be linked at this time.
A true/false field that indicates if the asset type is pooled.

Xero API

For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the Xero API.

Related Fields


Related Endpoints


Related Topics

Xero Assets Models
Xero Assets Endpoints