Xero Payroll (Australia) Endpoint: EmployeesExpanded
The Xero EmployeesExpanded endpoint provides the list of employees.
This endpoint provides all detailed information for employees.
You can also integrate with Employees which provides more summarised information and may perform better but doesn't have access to all fields.
The following fields are available for the EmployeesExpanded endpoint.
- EmployeeID
- A guid field that provides the id of the employee.
- FirstName
- A text field that provides the first name of the employee.
- MiddleNames
- A text field that provides the middle name of the employee.
- LastName
- A text field that provides the last name of the employee.
- HomeAddress
- A record field that provides the home address details of the employee.
- See HomeAddress Fields for more information.
- DateOfBirth
- A date field that provides the date of birth of the employee.
- Gender
- A text field that provides the gender of the employee.
- A text field that provides the email address of the employee.
- Phone
- A text field that provides the phone number of the employee.
- Mobile
- A text field that provides the mobile phone number of the employee.
- TwitterUserName
- A text field that provides the twitter user name of the employee.
- JobTitle
- A text field that provides the job title of the employee.
- Classification
- A text field that provides the classification of the employee.
- EmployeeGroupName
- A text field that provides the employee group name of the employee.
- StartDate
- A date field that provides the start date of the employee.
- TerminationDate
- A date field that provides the end date of the termination date of the employee.
- TerminationReason
- A text field that provides the termination reason code of the employee.
- Possible values are:
- V: This indicates the employee resigned, retired, or abandonned employment.
- I: This indicates the employee resigned due to medical condition that prevents the continuation of employment, such as for illness, ill-health, medical unfitness or total permanent disability.
- D: This indicates the employee is deceased.
- R: This indicates the employee was made redundant due to a genuine redundancy or approved early retirement scheme.
- F: This indicates the employee was terminated due to dismissal, inability to perform the required work, misconduct or inefficiency.
- C: This indicates the employee was termminated due to natural conclusion of a limited employment relationship such as contract/engagement duration or task completion, seasonal work completion, or to cease casuals that are no longer required.
- T: This indicates the employee was transfered across payroll systems, moved temporarily to another employer (machinery of government for public servants), transferred to another business, moved to outsourcing arrangements or other such technical activities.
- Status
- A text field that provides the status of the employee.
- Possible values are:
- ACTIVE: Indicates the employee is active.
- TERMINATED: Indicates the employee has been terminated.
- OrdinaryEarningsRateID
- A guid field that provides the earnings rate id used for ordinary wages.
- PayrollCalendarID
- A guid field that provides the payroll calendar id of the employee.
- IsAuthorisedToApproveLeave
- A true/false field that indicates if the employee is authorised to approve leave.
- IsAuthorisedToApproveTimesheets
- A true/false field that indicates if the employee is authorised to approve timsheets.
- TaxDeclaration
- A record field that provides additional tax declaration fields.
- See TaxDeclaration Fields for more information.
- BankAccounts
- A table field that provides bank account details.
- See BankAccounts Fields for more information.
- SuperMemberships
- A table field that provides superannuation membership details.
- See SuperMemberships Fields for more information.
- PayTemplate
- A record field that provides the pay template.
- See PayTemplate Fields for more information.
- OpeningBalances
- A record field that provides opening balances
- See OpeningBalances Fields for more information.
- LeaveBalances
- A record field that provides closing leave balances as at the end of time.
- See LeaveBalances Fields for more information.
- UpdatedDateUTC
- A date time field that indicates the last time this record was updated.
HomeAddress Fields
The HomeAddress Fields include the following sub fields.
- AddressLine1
- A text field that provides the first line of the address of the employee.
- AddressLine2
- A text field that provides the second line of the address of the employee.
- City
- A text field that provides the city of the employee.
- Region
- A text field that provides the state of the employee.
- PostalCode
- A text field that provides the post code of the employee.
- Country
- A text field that provides the country of the employee.
TaxDeclaration Fields
The TaxDeclaration Fields include the following sub fields.
- EmploymentBasis
- A text field that provides the employment basis of the employee.
- Possible values are:
- ResidencyStatus
- A text field that provides the residency status of the employee.
- Possible values are:
- AUSTRALIANRESIDENT: Indicates the employee is an Australian resident for tax purposes.
- FOREIGNRESIDENT: Indicates the employee is a foreign resident for tax purposes.
- WORKINGHOLIDAYMAKER: Indicates the employee is a working holiday maker for tax purposes.
- TFNExemptionType
- A text field that provides the residency status of the employee.
- Possible values are:
- NOTQUOTED: Indicates the employee has not provided a TFN.
- PENDING: Indicates the employee has made a separate application or Enquiry to the ATO for a new or existing TFN.
- PENSIONER: Indicates the employee is claiming that they are in receipt of a pension, benefit or allowance.
- UNDER18: Indicates the employee is claiming an exemption as they are under the age of 18 and do not earn enough to pay tax.
- TaxFileNumber
- A text field that provides the tax file number of the employee.
- AustralianResidentForTaxPurposes
- A true/false field that indicates if the employee is a resident for tax purposes.
- This field will be set to true if ResidencyStatus is set to AustralianResidentForTaxPurposes. Otherwise, it will be set to false.
- TaxFreeThresholdClaimed
- A true/false field that indicates if the employee is claiming the tax free threshold for this employer.
- HasHELPDebt
- A true/false field that indicates if the employee has a HELP or HECS debt.
- This field is deprecated and only provided for backwards compatibility reason.
- HasSFSSDebt
- A true/false field that indicates if the employee has a SFSS or financial supplement debt.
- This field is deprecated and only provided for backwards compatibility reason.
- HasTradeSupportLoanDebt
- A true/false field that indicates if the employee has a trade support loan.
- This field is deprecated and only provided for backwards compatibility reason.
- HasStudentStartupLoan
- A true/false field that indicates if the employee has a student startup loan.
- This field is deprecated and only provided for backwards compatibility reason.
- HasLoanOrStudentDebt
- A true/false field that indicates if the employee has one of the following loans.
- Higher Education Loan Program (HELP/HECS)
- VET Student Loan (VSL)
- Financial Supplement (FS)
- Student Start-up Loan (SSL)
- Trade Support Loan (TSL).
- EligibleToReceiveLeaveLoading
- A true/false field that indicates if the employee is eligible to receive an additional percentage on top of ordinary earnings when they take leave (typically 17.5%).
- IncludeLeaveLoadingInSGC
- A true/false field that indicates leave loading is included in superannuation guarantee contribution.
- TaxOffsetEstimatedAmount
- A decimal field that provides the tax offset estimated amount.
- UpwardVariationTaxWithholdingAmount
- A decimal field that provides the additional tax amount if the employee elected to have additional tax withheld.
- ApprovedWithholdingVariationPercentage
- A decimal field that provides the approved withholding variation percentage.
BankAccounts Fields
The BankAccounts Fields include the following sub fields.
- A text field that provides the BSB of the employee.
- AccountNumber
- A text field that provides the bank account number of the employee.
- AccountName
- A text field that provides the bank account name of the employee.
- StatementText
- A text field that provides the text to include on statement for the employee.
- Remainder
- A true/false field that indicates if the balance remaining of any payments will be distributed to this bank account.
- Amount
- A decimal field that provides a fixed amount that will be applied to this bank account first.
SuperMemberships Fields
The SuperMemberships Fields include the following sub fields.
- SuperMembershipID
- A guid field that provides the super membership ID.
- SuperFundID
- A guid field that provides the super fund ID.
- This field can be linked to the SuperFunds endpoint.
- EmployeeNumber
- A text field that provides the employee numnber for the super fund.
PayTemplate Fields
The PayTemplate Fields include the following sub fields.
- EarningsLines
- A table field that provides earning lines for this emplopyee.
- See PayTemplate.EarningsLines Fields for more information.
- DeductionLines
- A table field that provides deduction lines for this emplopyee.
- See PayTemplate.DeductionLines Fields for more information.
- SuperLines
- A table field that provides superannuation lines for this emplopyee.
- See PayTemplate.SuperLines Fields for more information.
- ReimbursementLines
- A table field that provides reimbursement lines for this emplopyee.
- See PayTemplate.ReimbursementLines Fields for more information.
- LeaveLines
- A table field that provides leave lines for this emplopyee.
- See PayTemplate.LeaveLines Fields for more information.
PayTemplate.EarningsLines Fields
The PayTemplate.EarningsLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- EarningsRateID
- A guid field that provides the earnings rate id associated with this pay template line.
- CalculationType
- A text field that indicates the calculation type of this earnings line.
- Possible values are:
- USEEARNINGSRATE: Indicates it uses the rate per unit recorded for the earnings rate under Settings
- ENTEREARNINGSRATE: Indicates it uses the rate per unit is be added manually to the earnings line
- ANNUALSALARY: Indicates it uses the employee receives a fixed annual salary amount.
- AnnualSalary
- A decimal field that provides the provides the annual salary of the employee.
- NumberOfUnitsPerWeek
- A decimal field that provides the number of hours worked per week for this earnings rate.
- RatePerUnit
- A decimal field that provides the hourly rate for this earning rate.
- NormalNumberOfUnits
- A decimal field that provides the normal number of hours worked.
- FixedAmount
- A decimal field that provides the fixed amount of hours worked.
PayTemplate.DeductionLines Fields
The PayTemplate.DeductionLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- DeductionTypeID
- A guid field that provides the pay item deduction type id associated with this pay template line.
- CalculationType
- A text field that provides the calculation type.
- Possible values are:
- Percentage
- A decimal field that provides the percentage rate if applicable.
- Amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount of this pay template line.
PayTemplate.SuperLines Fields
The PayTemplate.SuperLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- SuperMembershipID
- A guid field that provides the id of the super membership fund.
- ContributionType
- A text field that provides the type of contribution.
- Possible values are:
- SGC: Indicates this is a mandatory contribution.
SALARYSACRIFICE: Indicates this is a pre-tax reportable employer superannuation contribution, which is displayed separately on payment summaries EMPLOYERADDITIONAL: Indicates this is a additional employer superannuation contribution, which is displayed as RESC on payment summaries EMPLOYEE: Indicates this is a post-tax employee superannuation contribution
- CalculationType
- A text field that provides the type of contribution.
- Possible values are:
- FIXEDAMOUNT: Indicates the super contribution is a fixed amount.
- PERCENTAGEOFEARNINGS: Indicates the super contribution is a calculated as a percentage of earnings.
- STATUTORY: Indicates the super contribution is a calculated as the statutory rate.
- ExpenseAccountCode
- A text field that provides the expense account code for this pay template line.
- This field links with the Accounts endpoint of the Xero Accounting Model.
- LiabilityAccountCode
- A text field that provides the liability account code for this pay template line.
- This field links with the Accounts endpoint of the Xero Accounting Model.
- MinimumMonthlyEarnings
- A decimal field that provides the minimum monthly earnings required to quality.
- Percentage
- A decimal field that provides the percentage rate used to calculate the amount (if applicable).
- Amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount.
PayTemplate.ReimbursementLines Fields
The PayTemplate.ReimbursementLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- ReimbursementTypeID
- A guid field that provides the pay item reimbursement type id associated with this pay template line.
- Description
- A text field that provides the description for this pay template line.
- Amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount of this pay template line.
PayTemplate.LeaveLines Fields
The PayTemplate.LeaveLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- LeaveTypeID
- A guid field that provides the pay item leave type id associated with this pay template line.
- Description
- A text field that provides calculation method.
- Possible values are:
- NOCALCULATIONREQUIRED: Indicates no leave will be accrued. Manual leave accruals can be done on the payslip if required.
- FIXEDAMOUNTEACHPERIOD: Indicates leave accrues a fixed amount of leave each pay period based on annual entitlement.
- ENTERRATEINPAYTEMPLATE: Indicates leave will be entered manually.
- BASEDONORDINARYEARNINGS: Indicates leave will accrue a relative amount of leave on the number of hours an employee works in the pay period.
- AnnualNumberOfUnits
- A decimal field that provides the total number of units applicable per year for this pay template line.
- FullTimeNumberOfUnitsPerPeriod
- A decimal field that provides the number of units applicable per pay period for this pay template line.
- NumberOfUnits
- A decimal field that provides the number of units for this pay template line.
- EntitlementFinalPayPayoutType
- A text field that indicates how leave balances will be paid out on termination.
- Possible values are:
- EmploymentTerminationPaymentType
- A text field that indicates how leave balances will be paid out on termination.
- This field will be set to O' if EntitlementFinalPayPayoutType is set to PAIDOUT
- IncludeSuperannuationGuaranteeContribution
- A true/false field that indicates if ETP leave earnings are subject to superannuation guarantee contribution (SGC).
OpeningBalances Fields
The OpeningBalances Fields include the following sub fields.
- OpeningBalanceDate
- A date field that provides the as-at-date used to calculate the opening balances.
- Tax
- A decimal field that provides the opening balance tax amount.
- EarningsLines
- A table field that provides the opening balance for earning lines for this emplopyee.
- See OpeningBalances.EarningsLines Fields for more information.
- DeductionLines
- A table field that provides the opening balance for deduction lines for this emplopyee.
- See OpeningBalances.DeductionLines Fields for more information.
- SuperLines
- A table field that provides the opening balance for superannuation lines for this emplopyee.
- See OpeningBalances.SuperLines Fields for more information.
- ReimbursementLines
- A table field that provides the opening balance for reimbursement lines for this emplopyee.
- See OpeningBalances.ReimbursementLines Fields for more information.
- LeaveLines
- A table field that provides the opening balance for leave lines for this emplopyee.
- See OpeningBalances.LeaveLines Fields for more information.
OpeningBalances.EarningsLines Fields
The OpeningBalances.EarningsLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- EarningsRateID
- A guid field that provides the earnings rate id associated with this opening balance.
- Amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount.
OpeningBalances.DeductionLines Fields
The OpeningBalances.DeductionLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- DeductionTypeID
- A guid field that provides the deduction type id associated with this opening balance.
- Amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount.
OpeningBalances.SuperLines Fields
The OpeningBalances.SuperLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- SuperMembershipID
- A guid field that provides the super membership id associated with this opening balance.
- ContributionType
- A text field that provides the type of contribution.
- Possible values are:
- SGC: Indicates this is a mandatory contribution.
SALARYSACRIFICE: Indicates this is a pre-tax reportable employer superannuation contribution, which is displayed separately on payment summaries EMPLOYERADDITIONAL: Indicates this is a additional employer superannuation contribution, which is displayed as RESC on payment summaries EMPLOYEE: Indicates this is a post-tax employee superannuation contribution
- Amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount.
OpeningBalances.ReimbursementLines Fields
The OpeningBalances.ReimbursementLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- ReimbursementTypeID
- A guid field that provides the reimbursement type id associated with this opening balance.
- Amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount.
OpeningBalances.LeaveLines Fields
The OpeningBalances.LeaveLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- LeaveTypeID
- A guid field that provides the leave type id associated with this opening balance.
- Amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount.
LeaveBalances Fields
The LeaveBalances Fields include the following sub fields.
- LeaveTypeID
- A guid field that provides the leave type id associated with this balance.
- LeaveName
- A text field that provides the name of the pay item leave.
- TypeOfUnits
- A text field that provides the type of units of the pay item leave.
- NumberOfUnits
- A decimal field that provides the number of units accrued.
Xero API
For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the Xero API.
Related Fields
- None
Related Endpoints
- EmployeesExpanded
- PayItems
- PayItemsDeductionTypes
- PayItemsEarningsRates
- PayItemsLeaveTypes
- PayItemsReimbursementTypes
- PayrollCalendars
- SuperFunds