Xero Payroll (Australia) Endpoint: GetPayslip
The Xero GetPayslip endpoint provides the fields for a specific pay slip.
It is a function that accepts a series of parameters.
You may also use the Payslips which provides similar data but for all known pay runs.
The GetPayslip is a function that accepts the following parameters.
- PayslipID
- A guid field that determines the payslip for which to retrieve data.
- This field is mandatory.
The following fields are available for the GetPayslip endpoint.
- PayslipID
- A guid field that provides the id of the payslip.
- EmployeeID
- A guid field that provides the employee id associated with the payslip.
- FirstName
- A text field that provides the first name of the employee.
- LastName
- A text field that provides the last name of the employee.
- LastEdited
- A date time field that provides the last date this payslip was edited.
- Tax
- A decimal field that provides the total tax amount of this payslip.
- NetPay
- A decimal field that provides the net pay amount of this payslip.
- EarningsLines
- A table field that provides the earnings lines of the payslip. These represent earnigns recorded as default pay.
- See EarningsLines Fields for more information.
- LeaveEarningsLines
- A table field that provides the leave earnings lines of the payslip. These represent earnings paid from accrued leave.
- See LeaveEarningsLines Fields for more information.
- TimesheetEarningsLines
- A table field that provides the leave earnings lines of the payslip. These represent earnings captured from timesheets.
- See TimesheetEarningsLines Fields for more information.
- DeductionLines
- A table field that provides the deduction lines of the payslip.
- See DeductionLines Fields for more information.
- LeaveAccrualLines
- A table field that provides the leave accrual lines of the payslip.
- See LeaveAccrualLines Fields for more information.
- ReimbursementLines
- A table field that provides the reimbursement lines of the payslip.
- See ReimbursementLines Fields for more information.
- SuperannuationLines
- A table field that provides the superannuation lines of the payslip.
- See SuperannuationLines Fields for more information.
- TaxLines
- A table field that provides the tax lines of the payslip.
- See TaxLines Fields for more information.
- UpdatedDateUTC
- A date time field that indicates the last time this record was updated.
EarningsLines Fields
The EarningsLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- EarningsRateID
- A guid field that provides the earnings rate id associated with this payslip line.
- RatePerUnit
- A decimal field that provides the rate per unit of this payslip line.
- NumberOfUnits
- A decimal field that provides the number of units of this payslip line.
- FixedAmount
- A decimal field that provides the fixed amount of this payslip line.
- This only applies to certain PayItemsEarningsRates.
- LumpSumETaxYear
- A decimal field that provides the lump sum amount of this payslip line.
- This only applies to certain PayItemsEarningsRates.
LeaveEarningsLines Fields
The LeaveEarningsLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- EarningsRateID
- A guid field that provides the earnings rate id associated with this payslip line.
- RatePerUnit
- A decimal field that provides the rate per unit of this payslip line.
- NumberOfUnits
- A decimal field that provides the number of units of this payslip line.
TimesheetEarningsLines Fields
The TimesheetEarningsLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- EarningsRateID
- A guid field that provides the earnings rate id associated with this payslip line.
- RatePerUnit
- A decimal field that provides the rate per unit of this payslip line.
- NumberOfUnits
- A decimal field that provides the number of units of this payslip line.
DeductionLines Fields
The DeductionLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- DeductionTypeID
- A guid field that provides the pay item deduction type id associated with this payslip line.
- CalculationType
- A text field that provides the calculation type.
- Possible values are:
- Percentage
- A decimal field that provides the percentage rate if applicable.
- Amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount of this pay slip line.
LeaveAccrualLines Fields
The LeaveAccrualLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- LeaveTypeID
- A guid field that provides the pay item leave type id associated with this payslip line.
- NumberOfUnits
- A decimal field that provides the number of units applicable for this payslip line.
- AutoCalculate
- A true/false field that indicates if this payslip line was automatically calculated.
ReimbursementLines Fields
The ReimbursementLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- ReimbursementTypeID
- A guid field that provides the pay item reimbursement type id associated with this payslip line.
- Description
- A text field that provides the description for this payslip line.
- ExpenseAccount
- A text field that provides the expense account code for this payslip line.
- This field links with the Accounts endpoint of the Xero Accounting Model.
- Amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount of this payslip line.
SuperannuationLines Fields
The SuperannuationLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- SuperMembershipID
- A guid field that provides the id of the super membership fund.
- ContributionType
- A text field that provides the type of contribution.
- Possible values are:
- SGC: Indicates this is a mandatory contribution.
- SALARYSACRIFICE: Indicates this is a pre-tax reportable employer superannuation contribution, which is displayed separately on payment summaries
- EMPLOYERADDITIONAL: Indicates this is a additional employer superannuation contribution, which is displayed as RESC on payment summaries
- EMPLOYEE: Indicates this is a post-tax employee superannuation contribution
- CalculationType
- A text field that provides the type of contribution.
- Possible values are:
- FIXEDAMOUNT: Indicates the super contribution is a fixed amount.
- PERCENTAGEOFEARNINGS: Indicates the super contribution is a calculated as a percentage of earnings.
- STATUTORY: Indicates the super contribution is a calculated as the statutory rate.
- PaymentDateForThisPeriod
- A date field that provides the payment date for this pay slip.
- ExpenseAccountCode
- A text field that provides the expense account code for this payslip line.
- This field links with the Accounts endpoint of the Xero Accounting Model.
- LiabilityAccountCode
- A text field that provides the liability account code for this payslip line.
- This field links with the Accounts endpoint of the Xero Accounting Model.
- MinimumMonthlyEarnings
- A decimal field that provides the minimum monthly earnings required to quality.
- Percentage
- A decimal field that provides the percentage rate used to calculate the amount (if applicable).
- Amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount.
TaxLines Fields
The TaxLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- PayslipTaxLineID
- A guid field that provides the id of the pay slip tax line.
- TaxTypeName
- A text field that provides the name of the tax.
- Description
- A text field that provides the description of the tax.
- ManualTaxType
- A text field that provides the type for manual tax calculation.
- Possible values are:
- PAYGMANUAL: Indicidates this is a manual adjustment for PAYG.
- ETPOMANUAL: Indicidates this is a manual adjustment for PAYG on Employment Termination Payments Type O.
- ETPRMANUAL: Indicidates this is a manual adjustment for PAYG on Employment Termination Payments Type R.
- SCHEDULE5MANUAL: Indicidates this is a manual adjustment for PAYG on Schedule 5.
- SCHEDULE5STSLMANUAL: Indicidates this is a manual adjustment for STSL Component on Schedule 5.
- LiabilityAccount
- A text field that provides the liability account code for this payslip line.
- This field links with the Accounts endpoint of the Xero Accounting Model.
- Amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount.
Xero API
For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the Xero API.
Related Fields
- None
Related Endpoints
- Accounts
- Employees
- EmployeesExpanded
- PayItems
- PayItemsDeductionTypes
- PayItemsEarningsRates
- PayItemsLeaveTypes
- PayItemsReimbursementTypes
- PayRuns
- PayRunsExpanded
- Payslips