Xero Payroll (New Zealand) Endpoint: GetPaySlip
The Xero GetPaySlip endpoint provides the list of payslips.
It is a function that accepts a series of parameters.
You may also use the PaySlips which provides similar data but for all known pay runs.
To make full use of the data in this endpoint may require using endpoints belonging to a Xero Accounting Model.
The GetPaySlip is a function that accepts the following parameters.
- PayslipID
- A guid field that determines the payslip for which to retrieve data.
- This field is mandatory.
The following fields are available for the GetPaySlip endpoint.
- paySlipID
- A guid field that provides the id of the pay slip.
- payRunID
- A guid field that provides the id of the pay run.
- employeeID
- A guid field that provides the employee id associated with the payslip.
- firstName
- A text field that provides the first name of the employee.
- lastName
- A text field that provides the last name of the employee.
- paymentMethod
- A text field that provides the way in which the pay slip was paid.
- totalEarnings
- A decimal field that provides the total earnings amount of this payslip.
- grossEarnings
- A decimal field that provides the gross earnings amount of this payslip.
- totalPay
- A decimal field that provides the net pay.
- totalEmployerTaxes
- A decimal field that provides the total employer taxes of this payslip.
- totalEmployeeTaxes
- A decimal field that provides the total employee taxes of this payslip.
- totalDeductions
- A decimal field that provides the total deductions of this payslip.
- totalReimbursements
- A decimal field that provides the total reimbursement amount of this payslip.
- totalStatutoryDeductions
- A decimal field that provides the total statutory deductions of this payslip.
- totalSuperannuation
- A decimal field that provides the total superannuations of this payslip.
- bacsHash
- A text field that provides the BACS service user number.
- lastEdited
- A date time field that provides the last date this payslip was edited.
- earningsLines
- A table field that provides the earnings lines of the payslip. These represent earnings recorded as default pay.
- See EarningsLines Fields for more information.
- leaveEarningsLines
- A table field that provides the leave earnings lines of the payslip. These represent earnings paid from accrued leave.
- See LeaveEarningsLines Fields for more information.
- timesheetEarningsLines
- A table field that provides the leave earnings lines of the payslip. These represent earnings captured from timesheets.
- See TimesheetEarningsLines Fields for more information.
- deductionLines
- A table field that provides the deduction lines of the payslip.
- See DeductionLines Fields for more information.
- reimbursementLines
- A table field that provides the reimbursement lines of the payslip.
- See ReimbursementLines Fields for more information.
- leaveAccrualLines
- A table field that provides the leave accrual lines of the payslip.
- See LeaveAccrualLines Fields for more information.
- superannuationLines
- A table field that provides the superannuation lines of the payslip.
- See SuperannuationLines Fields for more information.
- paymentLines
- A table field that provides the payment lines of the payslip.
- See PaymentLines Fields for more information.
- employeeTaxLines
- A table field that provides the employee tax lines of the payslip.
- See TaxLines Fields for more information.
- employerTaxLines
- A table field that provides the employer tax lines of the payslip.
- See TaxLines Fields for more information.
- statutoryDeductionLines
- A table field that provides the statutory deduction lines of the payslip.
- See StatutoryDeductionLines Fields for more information.
- taxSettings
- A record field that provides the tax settings applicable for the pay slip.
- See TaxSettings Fields for more information.
- grossEarningsHistory
- A record field that provides the gross earnings history applicable for the pay slip.
- See GrossEarningsHistory Fields for more information.
EarningsLines Fields
The EarningsLines Fields include the following sub fields. This is applicable to earningsLines, leaveEarningsLines and timesheetEarningsLines.
- earningsLineID
- A guid field that provides id associated with the pay slip line.
- earningsRateID
- A guid field that provides the earnings rate id associated with this payslip line.
- displayName
- A text field that provides the name of the earnings rate.
- ratePerUnit
- A decimal field that provides the rate per unit of this payslip line.
- numberOfUnits
- A decimal field that provides the number of units of this payslip line.
- fixedAmount
- A decimal field that provides the fixed amount of this payslip line.
- This only applies to certain PayItemsEarningsRates.
- amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount of this payslip line.
- isLinkedToTimesheet
- A true/false field that indicates if the line is sourced from a timesheet.
- isAverageDailyPayRate
- A true/false field that indicates if it uses an average daily rate.
- isSystemGenerated
- A true/false field that indicates if it was system generated.
DeductionLines Fields
The DeductionLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- deductionTypeID
- A guid field that provides the pay item deduction type id associated with this payslip line.
- displayName
- A text field that provides name of the deduction.
- amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount of this pay slip line.
- percentage
- A decimal field that provides the percentage rate if applicable.
ReimbursementLines Fields
The ReimbursementLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- reimbursementTypeID
- A guid field that provides the pay item reimbursement type id associated with this payslip line.
- description
- A text field that provides the description for this payslip line.
- amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount of this payslip line.
- ratePerUnit
- A decimal field that provides the rate per unit of this payslip line.
- numberOfUnits
- A decimal field that provides the number of units of this payslip line.
LeaveAccrualLines Fields
The LeaveAccrualLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- leaveTypeID
- A guid field that provides the pay item leave type id associated with this payslip line.
- numberOfUnits
- A decimal field that provides the number of units applicable for this payslip line.
SuperannuationLines Fields
The SuperannuationLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- superannuationTypeID
- A guid field that provides the superannuation type id associated with this payslip line.
- displayName
- A text field that provides the name for the pay slip line.
- amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount.
- fixedAmount
- A decimal field that provides the fixed amount (if applicable).
- percentage
- A decimal field that provides the percentage rate used to calculate the amount (if applicable).
- manualAdjustment
- A true/false field that indicates if the amount was manually adjusted.
PaymentLines Fields
The PaymentLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- paymentLineID
- A guid field that provides the id of the payment line.
- amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount paid.
- accountNumber
- A text field that provides the account number for the payment,
- accountName
- A text field that provides the account name for the payment,
TaxLines Fields
The TaxLines Fields include the following sub fields. This applies to employeeTaxLines and employerTaxLines.
- taxLineID
- A guid field that provides the id of the pay slip tax line.
- description
- A text field that provides the description of the tax.
- amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount.
- globalTaxTypeID
- A guid field that provides the global tax type id of the pay slip tax line.
- manualAdjustment
- A true/false field that indicates if the amount was manually adjusted.
StatutoryDeductionLines Fields
The StatutoryDeductionLines Fields include the following sub fields.
- statutoryDeductionTypeID
- A guid field that provides the statutory deduction type id associated with this payslip line.
- amount
- A decimal field that provides the amount.
- fixedAmount
- A decimal field that provides the fixed amount (if applicable).
- manualAdjustment
- A true/false field that indicates if the amount was manually adjusted.
TaxSettings Fields
The TaxSettings Fields include the following sub fields.
- periodUnits
- A decimal field that provides the number of units in the period.
- periodType
- A text field that provides the type of periods.
- taxCode
- A text field that provides the tax code.
- specialTaxRate
- A decimal field that provides the special tax rate (if applicable).
- lumpSumTaxCode
- A text field that provides the tax code for lump sum.
- lumpSumAmount
- A decimal field that provides the lump sum amount (if applicable).
GrossEarningsHistory Fields
The GrossEarningsHistory Fields include the following sub fields.
- daysPaid
- A whole number field that indicates the number of days paid.
- unpaidWeeks
- A whole number field that indicates the number of weeks unpaid.
Xero API
For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the Xero API.
Related Fields
- None
Related Endpoints
- Accounts
- Employees
- PayItemsDeductions
- PayItemsEarningsRates
- PayItemsLeaveTypes
- PayItemsReimbursementTypes
- PayItemsStatutoryDeductions
- PayItemsSuperannuations
- PayRuns
- PayRunsExpanded
- PaySlips