Changing my OdataLink subscription

You can change your OdataLink subscription to either change the Subscription Type or the Number of Data File Licenses.


To change your OdataLink subscription, follow these steps.

  1. Select Account / Subscription item in the menu.
  2. Click on the Change Subscription button.
  3. Confirm the billing address.
    Click on Change Address to update your details. See Editing my account's details for more information.
  4. Confirm the billing user.
    Click Select Billing User button. See Selecting the user that will receive invoices for more information.
  5. Confirm the credit card details.
    Click Update Credit Card button if needed.
  6. Select the Subscription Type.
  7. Enter the number of Data File Licenses required.
  8. Confirm the Recurring Invoice details.
  9. Confirm the One-Off Pro-Rata Invoice if applicable.
  10. Tick to confirm you agree with the Terms.
  11. Click on the Proceed to Payment or Subscribe button.

Once updated, you can select the licensed data files.

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