Function Endpoints
Function endpoints are specialised endpoints that accept a series of parameters in order to be used.
MYOB Endpoints
Here is the list of MYOB function endpoints available within OdataLink.
Xero Accounting Endpoints
Here is the list of Xero Accounting function endpoints available within OdataLink.
- BalanceSheet
- BalanceSheetByMonth
- BalanceSheetTable
- BankSummary
- BudgetsAmounts
- BudgetSummary
- BudgetSummaryByMonth
- ExecutiveSummary
- ProfitAndLoss
- ProfitAndLossByMonth
- ProfitAndLossByTrackingCategory
- ProfitAndLossByTrackingOption
- ProfitAndLossMultiPeriodTable
- ProfitAndLossTable
- TrialBalance
Xero Payroll (Australia) Endpoints
Here is the list of Xero Payroll (Australia) function endpoints available within OdataLink.
- None
Xero Projects Endpoints
Here is the list of Xero Projects function endpoints available within OdataLink.
- None