Xero Accounting Endpoint: BankSummary

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The Xero BankSummary endpoint provides totals for your bank accounts for a given date range. The date range cannot span more than 1 year.

It is a function that accepts a series of parameters.


The BankSummary is a function that accepts the following parameters.

A date field that determines the start date for which to produce values.
If omitted, it will use the first date of the last calendar month.
A date field that determines the end date for which to produce values.
If omitted, it will use the last date of the last calendar month.


The following fields are available for the BankSummary endpoint.

A date field that indicates the start date used to produce the values.
This will match the FromDate entered as parameter.
A date field that indicates the date used to produce the values.
This will match the ToDate entered as parameter.
A date time field that indicates when the data was calculated.
A table field that provides a list of values.
See Lines Fields for more information.

Lines Fields

The Lines Fields include the following sub fields.

A text field that indicates the type of line.
Possible values are:
  • Detail: Indicates the row contains the value of a given account.
  • Total: Indicates the row contains a value totalling all accounts.
A GUID field that provides the id of the account.
This field can be used to link to the Accounts endpoints.
This field will be set to null for rows whose LineType is not set to Detail.
A text field that provides the account name or the name of a header or total.
A decimal field that provides the opening balance as at the start of the date range.
A decimal field that provides the value of all values incoming to the account during the date range.
A decimal field that provides the value of all values outgoing from the account during the date range.
A decimal field that provides the value of FX gain or losses incurred on the account during the date range.
This occurs when an invoice is raised in local currency but paid into a foreign currency account.
A decimal field that provides the closing balance as at the end of the date range.

Xero API

For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the Xero API.

Related Fields


Related Endpoints


Related Topics

Xero Accounting Models
Xero Accounting Endpoints