Settings Endpoint: Model


The Model settings endpoint allows you to retrieve the configuration information of a model.


The following fields are available for the Model endpoint.

A GUID field representing the internal id of a model.
This field can be used to link to other endpoints.
A text field that provides the name of the model.
A text field that provides the code of the model used to construct the OData Feed URL.
A text field that indicates type of Model.
Possible values are:
A text field that indicates type of data file..
Possible values are:
  • MYOB: Indicates the model provides access to MYOB data.
  • Xero: Indicates the model provides access to the Xero data.
A text field that indicates the type of login in use.
Possible values are:
A text field that indicates the type of archiving mechanism in use.
Possible values are:
  • Live: Indicates the archive type is set to live data.
  • Developer: Indicates the archive type is set to developer.
  • Static: Indicates the archive type is set to static and never refreshed.
A true/false value that indicates if this model is enabled or not.
Ironically, this will only be set to true as pulling Settings Endpoints will not be possible if set to false.
A true/false value that indicates if this firewall is enabled for the model or not.
A date field that provides the default start date in use when not filtering data by date.
A date field that provides the default end date in use when not filtering data by date.

Related Topics

Settings Endpoints
Archive Types
Login Types