OData Feed URLs

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OdataLink will expose your data files data using OData compliant URLs.

There are three types of URLs:

  • Service URL
  • Meta Data Url
  • Data URL

OdataLink's URLs ensures that each account will have different URLs so as to protect your organisation's data.

It also ensures that each model will have different URLs so as to control how they can be used.

Service URLs

The service URLs are the main will you will use directly and exposes all endpoints for a given model and data file.

The syntax is as follows:
https::// servername / account code / model code / data file code


Meta Data URLs

The meta data URLs are not used directly but exist to specify the meta data for the data urls. It catalogues all the objects and fields.

The syntax is as follows:
https::// servername / account code / model code / data file code / $metadata


Data URLs

The data URLs exposes a single endpoints for a given model and data file.

The syntax is as follows:
https::// servername / account code / model code / data file code / endpoint


URL parts

Account Code
This is the code generated for your account.
Model Code
These are the codes generated for your models.
Data File Code
These are the codes generated for your data files.
These are the endpoints you chose to include for your models.

Related Topics

Managing my account
Configuring models
Configuring data files
Integrating with OdataLink
Data Files