Xero Accounting Endpoint: Accounts
The Xero Accounts endpoint allows you to access the chart of accounts located within Xero.
Note that an alternate endpoint named AccountsTable is available which provides a format that can more easily integrate with Tableau, SSIS and Azure Data Factory.
The following fields are available for the Accounts endpoint.
- DataFile
- A record field that identifies the source data file for this record.
- AccountID
- A GUID field representing the internal id of an account.
- This field can be used to link to other endpoints.
- Code
- A text field that provides the unique account code or account number.
- This field can be used to link to other endpoints.
- Name
- A text field that provides the account name.
- Status
- A text field that indicates the status of the account.
- Possible values are:
- ACTIVE: Indicate the account can be used on transaction.
- ARCHIVE: Indicates the account cannot be used on transaction any longer but may have had historical transactions.
- Type
- A text field that indicates the more detailed type of an account.
- See AccountTypes for more information.
- TaxType
- A text field that indicates the tax type for the account. See TaxTypes for more information.
- Description
- A text field that provides the description for the account.
- Class
- A text field that provides the high level classification of an account.
- This field can be linked to the AccountsClass endpoint.
- Possible values are:
- SystemAccount
- A text field that provides the specific system type of an account used within Xero.
- Possible values are:
- BANKCURRENCYGAIN: Used to identify the bank revaluations account.
- CISASSETS: Used to identify the CIS assets account. (UK Only)
- CISLABOUREXPENSE: Used to identify the CIS labour expense account. (UK Only)
- CISLABOURINCOME: Used to identify the CIS labour income account. (UK Only)
- CISLIABILITY: Used to identify the CIS liability account. (UK Only)
- CISMATERIALS: Used to identify the CIS materials account. (UK Only)
- CREDITORS: Used to identify the accounts payable account.
- DEBTORS: Used to identify the accounts receivable account.
- GST: Used to identify the GST / VAT account.
- GSTONIMPORTS: Used to identify the GST on imports account.
- HISTORICAL: Used to identify the historical adjustment account.
- REALISEDCURRENCYGAIN: Used to identify the realised currency gains account.
- RETAINEDEARNINGS: Used to identify the retained earnings account.
- ROUNDING: Used to identify the rounding account.
- TRACKINGTRANSFERS: Used to identify the tracking transfers account.
- UNPAIDEXPCLM: Used to identify the unpaid expense claims account.
- UNREALISEDCURRENCYGAIN: Used to identify the unrealised currency gains account.
- WAGEPAYABLES: Used to identify the wages payable account.
- EnablePaymentsToAccount
- A true/false value that indicates if payments can be recorded agains this account.
- ShowInExpenseClaims
- A true/false value that indicates if this account can be used in expense claims.
- BankAccountNumber
- A text field that provides the bank account number at your financial institution.
- BankAccountType
- A text field that provides the bank account name given at your financial institution.
- CurrencyCode
- A text field that provides the 3 digit ISO currency code.
- This field can be linked to the Currencies endpoint.
- ReportingCode
- A text field that provides the reporting code.
- ReportingCodeName
- A text field that provides the reporting code name.
- HasAttachments
- A true/false value that indicates if this account has attachments uploaded against it.
- AddToWatchlist
- A true/false value that indicates if this account is shown in the xero dashboard watchlist widget.
- UpdatedDateUTC
- A date time field that indicates the last time this record was updated.
Xero API
For a detailed run through of the endpoint, you can see the Xero API.
Related Fields
Related Endpoints
- AccountsClass
- AccountsTotals
- AccountsTypes
- BalanceSheet
- BalanceSheetByMonth
- BalanceSheetTable
- BatchPayments
- BankSummary
- BankTransactions
- BankTransactionsExpanded
- BudgetsAmounts
- BudgetSummary
- BudgetSummaryByMonth
- ContactsExpanded
- CreditNotesExpanded
- Currencies
- InvoicesExpanded
- JournalsAccrual
- JournalsCash
- ManualJournalsExpanded
- Overpayments
- OverpaymentsExpanded
- Payments
- Prepayments
- PrepaymentsExpanded
- ProfitAndLoss
- ProfitAndLossByMonth
- ProfitAndLossByTrackingCategory
- ProfitAndLossByTrackingOption
- ProfitAndLossMultiPeriodTable
- ProfitAndLossTable
- PurchaseOrders
- Quotes
- RepeatingInvoices
- TrialBalance