How to clear the cache linked to the OData Feeds in Excel

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Excel caches multiple information regarding the OData feeds into a global caches.

It is worth nothing that some information in the cache is shared across multiple excel workbooks. For instance, the schema of specific OData Feeds.

In some situations, this cache must be cleared. This is particularly important when changes are made to the schema (e.g. when new fields are added to specific endpoints).

How clear the cache linked to the OData Feeds in Excel

To cllear the cache linked to the OData Feeds in Excel, follow these steps.

  1. In Excel with the workbook open, click on the Get Data button in the Data Tab and select Query Options.
  2. Select 'Data Load under Global.
  3. Scroll towards the bottom until you find the Clear Cache buttons.
  4. Click them to clear the cache.

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