Model Login Type

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The model's Login Type controls whether credentials are required to download data from OdataLink.

Possible values are:

  • Basic (recommended)
  • Anonymous

Basic Login Type

Excel Basic Login

Choose Basic to require a username (the OdataLink user's email address) and password (aka the credentials) be entered in order to access the data.

This is the recommended approach.

It allows you to monitor who is accessing data and when. It also ensures that the client will not be useable/refreshable without these credentials.

Note that Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Power BI Desktop do not store the credentials with the actual file. This is to ensure that no one can obtain a copy of the file and use it without knowing the credentials.

Anonymous Login Type

Excel Anonymous Login

Choosing Anonymous will not require any credentials.

Note that this will mean the only security layer protecting your data will be controlled via the IP Addresses.

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