Configuring models
Models are used as the security layer protecting your data and tying all OdataLink functionality together (Data files, Endpoints, IP addresses).
By default, a new account will have a single model named odata. If required, you may create additional models as needed.
For new accounts, you will need to Assign / unassign data files to the model.
For your account, you may:
For each model you have, you may:
- View the model's details
- Edit the model's details
- Assign / unassign data files to the model
- Enable / disable OData access for a model
- Allow / disallow a model access to endpoints
- Allow / disallow specific IP addresses access to the model
- Allow / disallow specific users access to the model
- Enable / disable OData access to the consolidation endpoints for the model
- Enable / disable OData access to the settings endpoints for the model
- Test OData feed URLs