Adding models

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OdataLink allows you to create as many models as required.


To add a new model, follow these steps.

  1. Click on Models on the menu in the left-hand side.
  2. Click on the Create Model button.
  3. Enter a Model Name.
    This is the display name of the model and is only used within the OdataLink website.
    OdataLink will automatically generate a model code.
  4. Override the Model Code if required.
    The secret code which will form part of the OData feed url. It must be unique for your account. If you decide to change it, note that it must be at most 20 characters long. Only letters, numbers dashes and spaces are allowed.
  5. Choose the Data File Type to which this model will connect.
  6. Choose the Login Type required to access the data.
    Basic login will require the username and password of a user when accessing data.
    Anonymous will not require any credentials when accessing data.
  7. Choose the Archive Type.
    Live optimises the model to retrieve live data.
    Developer optimises the model when developing to not connect with your data file as often.
    Static makes the model only return cached data without connecting to your data file.
  8. Enter a Default Start Date and End Date to control how much data is retrieved.
    These dates will apply when no date filters are applied via the OData client.
  9. Ensure the Settings Endpoints Allowed is unticked unless required.
    See Settings Endpoints for more information.
  10. Ensure the Firewall Enabled is ticked.
  11. Ensure the Enabled checkbox is ticked.
  12. Click Create Model

Once created, you will be able to configure additional settings, see configuring models for more information.

Related Topic

Configuring models